written on Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Long-polling in Python has always been complicated by the fact that it tends to require an asynchronous web server. It's unrealistic to support thousands (or event tens) of active connections given Python's threading issues (the GIL, OS-level threads). There are several asynchronous solutions in Python including Tornado, Twisted, and gevent.
Both Tornado and Twisted force you to write code in callbacks to avoid blocking during long-running operations like I/O. Unfortunately this requires your whole application to be written differently from how we're used to writing imperative, sequential code in Python.
gevent is an asynchronous framework, but it has the unique ability to allow the developer to almost completely ignore the fact that the code is executed asynchronously. Your code will run on an event loop using greenlets which feel like real threads, but are very light weight, trivial to spawn, and run off of the gevent event loop. gevent is capable of monkey patching the necessary Python standard libraries like socket, such that when I/O or other blocking calls happen the current greenlet will suspend and the event loop will resume another greenlet while it waits for a response from the blocking operation. What this means for you is that you do not need to change your Python code in order to run it in an asynchronous way.
While gevent can monkey patch the Python standard library, it can't do it all. Fortunately, my favorite SQL database (PostgreSQL) already supports coroutines and asynchronous execution. See Daniel Varrazzo's psycogreen repository for an example of configuring the psycopg2 driver to run under gevent. This also means that developers can use their favorite ORM (SQLAlchemy) on top of psycopg2 to talk to a PostgreSQL database.
As an experiment, I wanted a small application that could demonstrate long polling in action. Chat servers are boring and overused, so a friend came up with the idea of implementing TicTacToe, enabling various mobile devices to connect and play against each other. The API is pretty straightforward, allowing players to connect, be assigned to a game, and make moves. These are all basic functions that can be easily implemented using Pyramid's URL Dispatch:
config.add_route('api.play', '/api/play')
@view_config(route_name='api.play', request_method='POST', renderer='json')
def play_view(request):
# handle connecting a new player
return {
'game_id': game_id,
'client_id': client_id,
'name': name,
Long polling comes in when playerX places an X in a location on the board and we want to notify playerO that it is their turn to move. To accomplish this, each game has a queue of events that have occurred to get the board to the state it is at currently. Each player can then watch this queue for changes. Each player in each game is then expected to connect to the server and maintain a connection until a new update happens which we can return in the response.
There is already a well-documented way to handle long polling in a WSGI application by simply using gevent.event.Event to block the active request until the server is ready to notify each client. The caveat to this solution is that the resources your web framework has allocated for each request will remain in memory until an update occurs, ending the request.
gevent has a nice trick to get around this problem. The gevent.queue.Queue class can be used as a blocking iterator, and for anyone who knows about WSGI, the actual response of a WSGI application is an iterator. The underlying server will attempt to iterate across the Queue, returning each message to the client as part of a chunked response. A Queue can be closed by pushing a StopIteration exception into it. This tells the WSGI server that the response is complete.
TicTacToe utilizes this to be able to release the resources Pyramid has allocated for a request (including possible database connections that you want the server to reclaim as quickly as possible). Each client polling for an update is turned into a Queue object which can be stored in memory to be used when notifications occur.
The implementation of this basically boils down to a couple arrays. One holds the timeline of updates, and the other stores the connected observers waiting for notifications. The Game then becomes a mechanism for grouping these together. When a new update is added to the Game, all observers are notified. Using the cursor pattern, the ability for clients to disconnect and resume where they left off naturally falls out of the design.
class Game(object):
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
self.observers = []
self.updates = []
self.cursor = 0
def add_update(self, **kw):
self.cursor += 1
kw.setdefault('timestamp', datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
kw.setdefault('cursor', self.cursor)
def add_observer(self, cursor=None):
obs = Observer(game=self)
if cursor == self.cursor or cursor is None:
msg = json.dumps(self.updates[cursor+1])
return obs
def remove_observer(self, obs):
if obs in self.observers:
i = self.observers.index(obs)
del self.observers[i]
def notify_observers(self, msg):
out = json.dumps(msg)
for obs in self.observers:
self.observers = []
The Observer is a simple subclass of a Queue that provides a way to monitor how long a client has been connected. gevent currently doesn't provide a good way to tell when disconnections occur, so at some point it's important to kill active connections that may have stagnated.
class Observer(Queue):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
game = kw.pop('game')
self.event = Event()
Queue.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def reaper():
def get(self, *args, **kw):
return Queue.get(self, *args, **kw)
The actual Pyramid code for handling the long polling connections becomes trivial, as all we have to do is turn the connection into an Observer which we can return as the response.
config.add_route('api.updates', '/api/updates/{game_id}')
@view_config(route_name='api.updates', request_method='GET')
def updates_view(request):
game_id = request.GET.get('game_id')
cursor = request.GET.get('cursor', 0)
game = find_game(game_id)
r = Response()
r.content_type = 'application/json'
r.app_iter = game.add_observer(cursor)
return r
So the Response's app_iter is simply a blocking Queue to which we can publish notifications!
The full code is available on Github at https://github.com/mmerickel/tictactoe. The code also includes an iOS client which was developed with the help of employees at Componica. .